NorthlandOfM offers guidance and instruction for facial and mouth disorders involving muscle function. Therapy is set over several weeks to months, with compliance and consistency being paramount from a client and their support group; otherwise, without this, the client may be expected to repeat sessions to move forward with therapy. Orofacial Myology Therapy (OMT) is a therapy that can be undertaken as part of a ‘team’ approach with other clinicians, e.g., Orthodontist, chiropractor, or as a single element. OMT may not resolve the initial complaint, but working on the function of orofacial muscles can allow other treatments to be successfully achieved. Payment is expected during treatment, and Eftpos and credit cards are available. Also, Afterpay is available should you have an account in place. Payment of invoices can be arranged, with prior approval, for clinic visits and teletherapy with one-day payment due dates. Non-payment will prevent treatment from continuing.

Any exercise tools given to assist in therapy are included in the appointment cost; however, repeated loss or breakages will incur an extra fee. As a Myomunchee practitioner, Lorna Byrne can assess and instruct the use of this appliance; however, as a Myomunchee is an adjunct to OMT, the cost will be extra to an appointment charge. 

Cancellations or failure to attend within 48 hours of scheduled appointments will incur 50% of that fee and 100% within 24 hours.

Lorna Byrne is a certified member of the International Association of Orofacial Myology and is bound by a professional code of conduct to service her community and improve the lives of men, women, children and families through the practice of orofacial myology and education. 

Confidentiality is taken very seriously at NorthlandOfM. Hardcopy details are kept in a secure, locked setting. Electronic information is kept safe, and only Lorna Byrne/NorthlandOfM can access it. By beginning therapy, the client consents to information about their being held. It will only be passed on to other clinicians if the client consents. It will only be used for social media or advertising if an agreement has been made between all parties. 

As food is introduced as part of the assessment and treatment plans, every effort is made to satisfy all dietary requirements; however, bringing your own chewable food is acceptable. Please ensure NorthlandOfM is notified of all allergies and intolerances regarding food and drink and anything pertinent to your time at appointments. 

All information is correct when printing, but any third parties may hold different views and may not be that of NorthlandOfM. While you can access and use this website, you agree to our Terms and Conditions, which may be changed as necessary.