What happens on your first Orofacial Myofunctional appointment?

What happens on your first Orofacial Myofunctional appointment?

The very first appointment will always be longer than the follow-ups. Why? This appointment is all about assessing your problem, so photographs, videos, and measurements are taken to aid in this diagnostic process. You will also be taken through a group of exercises that warm up muscles and start them moving, which will be essential…

The Way We Eat

The Way We Eat

How we eat can be one of the causative factors for the dysfunction of our digestive system, our orofacial muscles, poor tooth and gum health, and the temporal mandibular joints(TMJ), to name a few. Yet, we need to consider our eating habits more carefully. Do we? When I work with oromyofunctional clients I address eating…

Group Appointments

Group Appointments

Lorna works with small groups on education and understanding while briefly examining any issues, helping you decide if myofunctional therapy is for you. It keeps it affordable and informative, as you pay for the booking of an hour or two but share the cost with your friends. Contact Lorna for advice on this type of…

Tongue Exercises?

Tongue Exercises?

Myofunctional therapy is more than that, but you are nearly correct. During your myofunctional therapy journey, you would work equally on your tongue, lips, cheeks, breathing and swallowing, gradually increasing your range of movement and capabilities. This enables the tongue ‘thrust’ to stop, and the muscles work cohesively as nature intended. It is a gradual…



The Myomunchee is an appliance that I use in conjunction with orofacial myology therapy for any age group, or as a preventative measure for younger children, babies or toddlers. It’s a soft silicone appliance which brings the jaws together and activates the chewing muscles. It’s clever, easy and reasonably priced. Because it is in the…