Nasal care. Tips from an Orofacial Myologist.

Looking after your nose is as important as good oral hygiene, so what is your routine?

  • Do you rinse your nostrils out? You can use a bottle or pots of filtered or distilled water, like NeilMed, with added salt and baking soda mixes, which will remove any irritants to your immune system. If you leave anything in your nose that you are susceptible to, the inflammation response will be activated, and you will find it trickier to breathe nasally.
  • When it is particularly bad, you can use nasal sprays, like Xlear, to vasoconstrict the blood vessels, but make sure you are not snorting it in. Plenty of online videos show the correct technique.
  • Take a closer look at your sleeping area. A thorough cleaning of your room can significantly reduce the irritants that may affect your nasal health. Even simple tasks like vacuuming, cleaning your mattress, and washing your pillows can make a noticeable difference.
  • Have you had the inside of your nose checked? Do you find it easier to breathe through one nostril more than the other? Statistics show that many people have a deviated septum, whether caused by injury or birth, but a small portion of those have the septum so deviated that equal breathing is difficult. If you choose not to have surgery to correct it, it is imperative that you look at good nasal care.

These are some ways to promote nose breathing as mouth breathing is unhealthy for your body; it can cause structural changes in the bones and teeth for both children and adults and change how you use your mouth for talking, eating and drinking. Give me a call if you would like more advice or are concerned. Oromyofucntional therapy is about rehabilitation in the orofacial area, but these tips may help you immediately.

So, your take-home message is? Clear your Nose and Breath!

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